Tilted crystaline II house crystalline I scaffolding threshold translucent setting summer night first day fog rain corner vegetation reflexion views geography territory conglomerate negative retreat Douro sea entrance twins blue-grey warehouse reproduction transparency overhang where trees grow directions topography arrival twist mornings plans New office uncast process encrusted volcano experience natural/artificial colour match mural samples figure background hue pines cleaning water blast rough water blast folds courtyard formwork roof team deck industrial stacked cove coast mass body exhaustion study option golden star pile iterations Doha pine reclaimed circle complexity basement meeting copper polygon inside hammock platform island texture rough night cerimony terrace pattern plaza promenade marina colour tests gate oculus roofscape vineyards hill horizon bones reinforcements artist samples blue kitchen island light black glass corner meeting room I meeting room II carpet extension field silhouette music room aluminum eating area attic kitchen workshop conglomerate path split iteration touch way trail ensamble bodies done deadline white selection skylight asphalt window boundaries contiguous wireframe stair sunset wall earth jump choosing depot section background restaurant light octagons south trellis wayfinding competition white concrete skeleton preparation triangular mist infills sequence door lock grey stucco roof sealing joints demolition sky 1:50 proximity mockup removal disassemble curve levels insertion sunken octagon corner cornucopiae decisions translucent venetian stucco tinted mortar terracotta stone-filled constrution site floating prop ageing stucco options alpha channel overlap canopy bedroom west living room east living room kitchen on the roof depiction reinforcement concrete walls samples extraction finishings research colour siblings walls relationships elements wood model transition spray paint neighborhood volume attic 1st floor groundfloor basement bent villa side reference platforms carved route shade nature intervention village scale superposition enfilade loft articulation orange trees first visit before
Tilted scaffolding threshold fog rain corner sea entrance twins blue-grey plans water blast folds courtyard formwork roof pine reclaimed circle complexity basement platform gate bones reinforcements kitchen island white skylight asphalt window boundaries contiguous wireframe stair sunset wall earth jump skeleton preparation triangular mist infills sequence door lock grey stucco roof sealing demolition proximity removal disassemble curve levels insertion sunken octagon corner cornucopiae decisions translucent constrution site floating prop reinforcement concrete walls extraction walls transition spray paint first visit before
crystaline II house crystalline I translucent vegetation conglomerate warehouse reproduction uncast process encrusted experience natural/artificial colour match samples hue cleaning water blast rough texture rough colour tests artist samples blue selection asphalt choosing depot joints sky mockup venetian stucco tinted mortar terracotta stone-filled ageing stucco options samples finishings research colour spray paint
reflexion geography territory retreat Douro New office volcano mural figure background cove coast Doha island roofscape vineyards hill horizon field silhouette neighborhood bent villa side nature intervention village orange trees
setting overhang deck industrial stacked night cerimony terrace pattern plaza promenade light black glass corner meeting room I meeting room II carpet extension music room aluminum eating area attic kitchen workshop background restaurant light octagons south trellis wayfinding competition white concrete alpha channel overlap canopy bedroom west living room east living room kitchen on the roof depiction platforms carved route shade
crystaline II house crystalline I views negative directions topography arrival twist mass body option golden star pile iterations copper polygon path split iteration touch way trail ensamble bodies 1:50 siblings relationships elements wood model volume attic 1st floor groundfloor basement superposition enfilade loft articulation